DOWNERS GROVE, IL. (Chicago Area)
DETAILS & CONTACT: Shirlee at:
1 630-202-3818
I was born remembering what it was like living in the subtle dimensions of light and love, the side most people refer to as Heaven. The conscious memory of who we really are and the amazing Presence that lives within each of us has provided a personal life where the sacred is a natural experience and the longing to share healing energy with the mind and body of others has and is uppermost in my heart.
In the thirty plus years of ongoing lectures, workshops, articles and the three books published, everything has been offered with one purpose…to lovingly express what is in my heart as the truth of my being. This truth is also within you.
The intention of my prayers and healing ministry is always to be a genuine, compassionate and spiritual mind-body guide and friend. My experiences in the Light are daily. The indwelling spirit is a child of God. You and I are of the same family.
Like you, I have struggled, made mistakes and have picked myself up over and over again. What is shared is a combination of sacred experiences both physical and spiritual. If I can help in some way to convince you that you are a precious child of God, I am truly happy. Genuine peace and joy is to fall in love with God knowing that there is no separation…only the One.
In deep gratitude, respect and love, you are invited to examine the spirituality tools prayerfully offered in ‘Shirlee’s Store’ and on this page. If you either live in the Chicago area or plan to visit, feel free to contact me regarding our monthly Sunday afternoon class and Friday workshops. We provide a healing haven that is very special…just for you~
Live, Love and Laugh,
SACRED BREATH WORKSHOP – June 22 ( Chicago Area)